Our Payroll & HR Admin service has 3 different components:
1. Personnel files administration
The main activities VON Consultant will be responsible for are:
Management of personnel documentation/files;
Drafting and registering in the Electronic Register (REVISAL) the temporary work
Drafting and registering the modifications of work agreements, based on additional deeds;
Drafting termination decisions of work/ labor contracts and registering them in REVISAL;
Drafting liquidation fiches, employment certificates and all documents necessary to cease an
employee work/labor contract;
Updating the Electronic Register of Employees according to legal stipulations in force;
Verify with your contact person monthly time sheets before the salary calculation;
Administration of the relation with the clinic for labor medical checks, activate, deactivate and
upgrade the monthly employee insurances at employee’s request or Infineon’s request, schedule
employees at the clinic in case of special analyses – if applicable;
Ordering meal tickets, gift tickets and distributing them to departments Assistants for further
distribution to employees – if applicable;
Drafting certificates for employees on request: for medical purpose, bank loans etc.;
All documents will be handed over directly to your employees by our team – either by courier or in
person, during the visit to your office.
Should your team be larger than 50 employees, we would be able to provide you with an online
system/software where:
You will be able to receive all vacation requests by email and approve them/ feedback
immediately via email;
Each employee will be able to check on an online portal how many vacation days are left and any
other administrative details of their contract.
The main activities your VON Consultant will be responsible for are:
Drafting monthly salary sheets based on the timesheets provided by your contact person;
Processing salaries according to days worked, vacations, medical leaves etc. in VON
Consulting’s database;
Calculating salary adjustments (bonus changes, deductions/exemptions, advance payments etc);
Payment of salaries according to the work/labor contract respecting the day of payment
Payment for employees’ private pension fund;
Drafting the 112 Declaration for fiscal purposes and filing it to Financial Administration;
Providing to your accounting department the tax report and the accounting note of the salaries in
a term of 5 days from the day the salaries are paid in order to have them register in your
accounting system;
Submit files to the National Health Insurance Authority in order to recover the payments for
medical leave of personnel.
3. Reporting and direct communication with employees
According to your internal reporting system and your needs we can provide information in the desired
format on a periodical basis or upon request.
The regular reports that we normally deliver are the monthly tax report, the accounting note and the cost
of the employees for each month.
Our consultants will be in touch with your employees in order to receive and reply in due time to their